I consider myself to be fairly intelligent, yet as I approach 50 and begin the journey of introspection that is all things “middle aged,” I am struck by how utterly obtuse I have been in the past by insisting to continue doing things that JUST DON’T WORK! Specifically, they undermine any possibility of happiness in my life!
those of you that come into frequent contact with me, to avoid any confusion, here is my list of the 6 behaviors I am ABSOLUTELY SURE no longer “work” for me – be prepared, as you may notice (I hope) different behavior!
I hereby GIVE UP the following 6 things:
- Refusing to recognize situations and people that kill my joy As Lucinda Williams infamously croons, “You took my joy! I want it back!,” I hereby declare that the microsecond I notice a situation or individual taking my joy, I shall take a step back and perform a “challenges vs benefits” analysis. My time and limited mental stability are too precious to allow anyone or anything to cause chronic grumpiness. I could list examples but they are both too numerous and embarrassingly consistent so will leave this pledge in its due place at the TIP TOP of my list of “NOT WORKIN’ NO MORE” things I will avoid.
- Waiting in line for a Goddam Diet Coke! This one may cause my husband to pass out with utter elation! I estimate that I have wasted 93.27 days in the past 28 years waiting in line at McDonald’s or some other fast food establishment for my Bloody Precious Diet Coke!
Believe me, Dear Reader, it shocks me even more than it may you, to recognize that I am, at long last, DONE wasting 2 hours a week of my soon-to-be 50 years on this beautiful planet — waiting for a liquid refreshment that is probably hastening my death.
- Protecting the Guilty Big Sigh Here…….. I am guessing that every Mother, Sister, Daughter, Wife, Friend – has regrets about situations in which, to avoid a socially awkward moment, she has neglected to speak up and call out another’s misguided, rude or intentionally hateful remark. It is just what “polite” people are taught to do – remain civil and poised in social situations and allow the ASS to hang him/herself, if need be. I. AM. DONE. Henceforth, I vow to find the right words, tone and execution, to defend and support every single person I believe could be maligned in a social conversation – even if it makes everyone feel “Super Awk”!!!!
- Apologizing For My Ofttimes Ghastly Taste in “The Finer Things.” The next time I find myself in the company of “The Taste Police,” I will remember the words to one of my favorite country songs, “This Here’s The Queen of My Double Wide Trailer,” and speak proudly about whatever white trash food, art, music, entertainment or past-time that gives me pleasure. Like my friends and family, I will defend my horrific taste with great ardour!
- Leaving My Greatest Buddy, My Cocker Spaniel Rescue Puppy, Pudgey Killion Tamburini, behind. I swear I would have qualified for a “therapy dog” 25 years ago had there been such a notion in the popular culture. All I know is, from now on, my friends and family can expect that an invitation to me means A PACKAGE DEAL and that the love of my life, my therapy dog, Pudgey will “go whether thou goest.” I’ll be needing a dog bowl below my seat at your dinner table, please.
- Finally, And Most Especially Poignant As I Approach “The Back 40” Of My Precious Time On This Planet – I REFUSE To Ever Again Be Rushed, Robbed, Gypped – Out Of Any Moment Or Experience I Want To Enjoy Because Some Grumpy Person I Am With May Be Unamused Or In A Hurry Late for a meeting? Carpool? Doctor’s Appointment? Or Simply Bored? Too bad. From now on, if I happen to be enjoying feeling the sun on my face, wind up my skirt, scrolling movie credits, lingering after a delicious meal at a restaurant’s closing time – or WHATEVER – I am going to ignore your bullying attempts to make me hurry!!! Because I don’t want to miss one single moment of soaking the entirety of this beautiful experience called Life just because you are being an impatient jerk!