I’m Riding the Imperfectionism Wave!

me at 31018141059 Momma Bloggers like Glennon Doyle Melton of Momastery are giving me the courage to pursue my original dream for Cheeky Street:  by sharing my quirky worldview, give other Moms (and people in general) “permission” to be themselves and enjoy the many facets of imperfection.  Brene Brown and Martha Beck also publish widely about how to free oneself from the shackles of perfectionism.

We all intuitively know this as children but the world beats our colorful souls into humdrum submission….and only a lucky few awaken soon enough to learn how to nurture their individuality back into their personalities and enjoy life!

So here’s my REAL-LIFE CONFESSION (my daughter and a few of her friends know this):  I want to sell muffins under the brand “Yes Ma’am!” and share with the world this joy I experience from my love of bread, baking, and all things breakfast-related in one big glob of LOVE known as the MUFFIN.  I even had a venue picked out in our cute little community:  it become a bank!  Drive-throughs are essential, you see, because when you have a craving for a muffin, you don’t want to mess with parking and going inside an establishment.

So, this morning, in my humble little kitchen, I am enjoying a part of that imperfect side of my baking self and making an Autumnal concoction known as the “Pumpkin Oat Muffin.”  Except I had to substitute apple juice for lemonade in the recipe so it may be too tangy for the uninitiated muffin palate.

So this is what I think I will be doing:  Once a week, right here on Cheeky Street, I will feature a different muffin recipe and photo and share with you my “Testing Panel’s” opinions (be prepared to be selected as an esteemed member of this exclusive group).  This endeavor will, hopefully, bring me closer to my “Yes Ma’am!” ambitions, and you, dear Readers, more thoroughly convinced that IMPERFECTIONISM is fun and worth pursuing!!!!

The Things You Find When You’re Not Looking

my wedding I am a person that LOVES love letters.  I just remembered why:  My Dad was the world’s GREATEST writer of them.  Imagine my surprise, 30 years later, to stumble upon the sweetest, most tender love letter of my life, beautifully hand written and mailed to me (even though we lived under the same roof!), on the evening of our LAST Father-Daughter dance together?1984 father daughter

I have a wonderful friend who asked me about 22 years ago what my “wish list” of characteristics was for my husband.  She laughed for days when I readily spouted off that my future husband MUST be the following:

  • Intelligent
  • Funny
  • Great with words
  • Good dancer
  • Handsome
  • Successful
  • ADORING of me (I think I ended the list by saying, “Oh, and he MUST cherish me!).

Imagine the stabbing pain in my heart as I held this beautiful letter, 30 years later, and realized DAD WAS MY FIRST LOVE!!!!!  Lucky, lucky girl.